Welcome to Kaos Solutions where you will find the guidance and support you need to downsize, declutter or clear out a family home. My name is Kim Eagles and I am a Professional Organizer based out of Greater Moncton Area in New Brunswick. I have over 17 years of experience and training to help you through the process. I am the Author of 2 books ‘Release The Clutter’ and ‘Solving The Downsizing Dilemma' and since 2005 I have been on a mission to calm the world of the chaos of too much stuff.
Kaos Solutions is a full service downsizing, decluttering and estate clearing company working with clients to clear the excess. Whether you are frustrated with too much clutter, downsizing/transitioning to a smaller space or dealing with a family estate that needs to be cleared out, Kaos Solutions can help you through the process with calm and ease. We specializing in breaking down the job into manageable steps and overseeing the process.
LET'S TALK so we can help you through this often difficult and stressful process. We do the planning, organizing, hand holding to help you let go and the heavy lifting so you can move forward with calm and ease.
The process of downsizing and releasing stuff can be an emotional rollercoaster ride. The high of making the decision to let go and clear out unused clutter gets mixed with the emotional and physical overwhelm of actually doing it. At Kaos Solutions we are dedicated to helping you maneuver that process, reduced the overall overwhelm of getting it done and help you keep calm and focused every step of the way. We strive to make the process as stress free as possible.
Papers are piled up everywhere, shelves are crammed with all sorts of objects and knicknacks and general mayhem rules your living space. You keep things you don’t need, and there’s no organization to any of your stuff. You haven’t had the time to tackle this clutter and it’s been building – for weeks, months, or maybe even years! There is no doubt that your physical space has great influence over your mental space. This is why when depression, overwhelm, and/or anxiety strikes, your personal space almost always tends to reflect that frenzied state. The environment you live in is a representation of you and your deepest thoughts. Tackling your clutter one step at a time will shed light on the vision you have for your dream and allow you to more easily acheive your goals...and breathe easier!
Having to place a loved one in a home or losing someone you love is hard. Having to deal with all the 'stuff' that is left in their space adds another layers of stress and pain to the upheaval. At Kaos Solutions we strive to make clearing their estate quicker, easier and calmer on you and the family. We are dedicated to helping you maneuver that process, reduced the overall overwhelm of getting it done and help you keep calm and focused every step of the way. We strive to make the process as stress free as possible.